Bed Reservation System
The Family Solutions Collaborative manages the Family Bed Reservation System for participating and eligible FSC Emergency and Transitional Shelters, and has been operational since 2019.
This is a system by which families interested in waiting for Emergency and/or Transitional Shelter are connected to available shelter openings quickly and efficiently by their Access Point.
Access Points will indicate that a family they are working with is interested in shelter by entering in that request into the FSC HMIS Project for the Bed Reservation System. The FSC is sent a daily report of the available shelter openings and has access to the families in need of shelter through the HMIS dashboard.

The FSC will match a family based off the Emergency Shelter or Transitional Housing eligibility requirements and prioritization standards.
Once the family is matched, the provider contacts the family to schedule an intake into their Emergency Shelter or Transitional Housing Program. The provider will then receive a warm hand-off from the Access Point previously assigned to the family and will take over as the family’s lead as they navigate through FCES.
Emergency Shelter or Transitional Housing Program must be an FSC Member and meet the requirements of the FSC Shared Family Shelter Guidelines.
We currently match 77 Emergency Shelter & 3 Transitional Housing family units through the Bed Reservation System as openings become available.
Family Assistance Ministries (FAM)
- Gilchrist House – Emergency Shelter
- FAMily House – Emergency Shelter
- Aliso Viejo – Transitional Housing
Family Promise of OC
- House of Ruth – Emergency Shelter
Homeless Intervention Services OC (HIS-OC)
- HIS-OC – Emergency Shelter
- HIS-OC – Transitional Housing
HomeAid operated by Mercy House
- Family Care Center – Emergency Shelter
Illumination Foundation
- Plumeria House – Emergency Shelter
- Theriault House – Emergency Shelter
- Murphy House – Emergency Shelter
Pathways of Hope
- New Vista – Emergency Shelter