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The Family Solutions Collaborative takes the lead in ending family homelessness through effective collaboration, advocacy, and innovative solutions.

FSC is the primary driver in quickly ending a family’s homelessness: FSC member agencies collaborate within a system that quickly and permanently ends the homelessness of families in their care.

FSC leads the development of the model for Ending a Family’s Homelessness in Orange County: FSC agencies achieve ambitious outcomes in the field of family homelessness by developing and implementing best practices, setting, and measuring progress toward shared benchmarks, and using data to identify and address emerging needs.

FSC is the premier platform for collaboration on family homelessness in Orange County:  FSC centralizes information and curriculum for public education and provides agency training on specific needs and sub-populations and leads advocacy to public and private funders and legislative bodies.

FSC has built a sustainable funding model which fuels innovation and impact: FSC’s diversified revenue streams support ongoing systems and programs while developing reserves to quickly respond to needs and opportunities as they develop.

Causes of Family Homelessness